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2006-10-18 20:10:49
Last author: ~Saraneth~
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First Offenders

People with offense moods, lame and offense (and often One-line) descriptions, and offense names suggesting a cyber user. Should not have to be reported to gaurds yet.

First Offenders A-M

First Offenders N-Z

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Black Listing For Cyberers

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2005-06-08 [nokaredes]: [~Saraneth~]'s editing the page, and I'm too lazy to wait. >_< [Suicidal Thoughts] (Fuck You, You Fucking, Fuck)

2005-06-09 [Perplexity]: I just went there too lol talk about a house with no substance

2005-06-09 [nokaredes]: Hey...! Why can young age make you consideration for the title of 'loafer'?

2005-06-09 [~Saraneth~]: Sorry i had been editing the page on and off for nearly hours. [Lord Asriel] gave me 20 names and i had to check them all out or the Gaurds would be pissed at me . . . Oh and young age doesn't make you a loafer, it was the fact she has nothing of importance on her house but seems to be looking for a 'good time'. Ugh! That is why she is a 'sleeze' lol

2005-06-09 [~Saraneth~]: [Perplexity] would you like to join?

2005-06-09 [nokaredes]: But that's what it says at the top, in your definition of a loafer. O_o

2005-06-10 [Tanka]: hey [cyber queen] needs to be watched she's only 15 and asking for sex and cybering

2005-06-11 [Zab]: I added nr 21, hopes that´s ok...

2005-06-15 [~Saraneth~]: thanx guys you're a real help! Anyway would you all like to join?

2005-06-15 [Zab]: what happened to nr 21? [fuckmeharder69] I think he´s called..

2005-06-17 [Tanka]: no problem

2005-06-28 [Cookieholic]: I think this is a good wiki, but some of the things listed in here are a bit paranoid o.O

2005-06-29 [~Saraneth~]: yea well that's why their on the first offenders list If it was something serious then they would be moved to the main page under one of the more serious lists, da? So yeah people here have only been caught being offensive and if nothing else on their houses looks wrong or obscene then they are taken off in time.

2005-07-14 [~Saraneth~]: You guys have to check this weird house out. [imsohorny] she thinks she's a cat.

2005-08-11 [x-xVanityx-x]: what about [SEXYEMT134]?

2005-08-15 [~Saraneth~]: I'd say first offenders. She's not really asking for cyber-sex but she is offensive.

2005-08-28 [Yiwerra]: what is offensive about her? she doesn't ask for cyber sex at ALL, she is only saying how she looks like.. so that's a crime? she actually says 'i am looking for a long term relationship'

2005-09-03 [~Saraneth~]: hmmm . . . [Yiwerra] you have a point I am going to take her off then. ^^ Sorry for any paranoia-induced listings. I am trying to go through them all and cut back on them. Thanks again.

2005-09-09 [Yiwerra]: i am sorry for sounding aggressiv too. well i just think that elftown is stuffed with people having a description like [SEXYEMT134] has it. and yes, of course we would all like people to be more into the purpose of elftown itself. but you cannot really judge how someone is like by only reading this. for example, i think i quite fit the 'purpose' of elftown, if there is one (and i disagree with your definition of it, because it obviously says on the frontpage "for elfwood artists and hangarounds"); but when i was new here, i didn't know what you're supposed to write in your description either, and wrote silly things about my physical appearance. and then i stopped. but why? because i realised

2005-09-09 [Yiwerra]: that that's not what you're 'supposed' to write? or supposed to write if you want to belong to the .. 'upper' ET society? what IS that society? how come they have rules? ..i am just trying to show the contradiction i see in this thing you have created, although most people would agree with the idea of it, and so do i. but now that i see how it works, i find it segregating, full of prejudice and hatred. acting and judging like that is not an elftown 'purpose' either. elftown is this free place where you can almost do whatever you want (unlike many other communities), it's a place for dreamers and artists. and now THOSE people are supposed to redline others, point their fingers, and without

2005-09-09 [Yiwerra]: knowing them judging about their character, interests and intelligence, and want them to leave. that's like "he is black, i don't want him to be in my church".  IF there is something like the definition of how a standart elftowner 'should' be like (which i disagree with, that that exists; and i think it's vain to make it up, and counting yourself to those who 'fit' the purpose), then in my opinion that is tolerant, and interested in people. this here is intolerant though, and closing eyes from even seeing how a person could be like.    sorry for writing so much on your wiki, but i thought maybe you're open for discussions, and you might be interested in my opinion.

2005-09-09 [~Saraneth~]: Oh yes, I am very interested in many people's opinions, and of course yours as well. The only thing I feel sorry about is at this moment I wish you would have posted this upon the main page beause of how far-reaching it is on so many levels. My initial intentions were to create a wiki to keep younger children away for obscene, sexual messages. I realize now that this wiki is probably not titled to its advantage but it would be much work to try to change the name I've seen. While there is no real standard set for what an elftowner is, I have always felt aht some distant connection should be made with the arts when a person is here. (RPGing, music, literature, poetry, art, animation, etc)

2005-09-09 [~Saraneth~]: Yes, I admit people are judged to quickly and then tossed onto this particular page. As the owner i do my best to go through all of the listings once and a while and mke sure they are not what I like to call 'Paranoia-induced'. I try to be open-minded about people and anti-stereotypical. Yes, it it true, people like [SEXYEMT134] could be very wonderful people and yes, we all could be judging too fast. In truth, I don't like cybering but am tolerant with it when it is in private. I do not tolerate it when it turns to be a public epidemic in a large community such as this. And yes, the description was created for what people found purposeful to write about themselves, but when the house

2005-09-09 [~Saraneth~]: created shows no remte signs of being connected to any sort of art or gaming as I stated above or especially when it is created for cybering alone i do not find what's written to be purposeful.  Yes, my wiki takes things to the extremes and I realize that it may be accusing innocent people, it is an imperfect system I have created -i know no better way-and people make mistakes on their definition of 'offensiveness'.  The point I'm trying make is I, even though honestly I don't want to, I take full responsibility for what happens here and the injustices done. And in the long run I believe that here we are doing more good than harm.

2005-10-15 [Yiwerra]: Well that's really nice to know. I agree with you on so much, looking at houses like [ass_fucker]'s, makes a lot of sense to assume that this person did not join here to share art or similar things. It's just - where are the rules for judging! About this [ass_fucker] person, everyone would agree with us. Then with people such as [fuck_off] - you can hardly tell. You see, when someone starts something, just like you do, there is always the danger of going too far and making mistakes, and receiving a lot of criticism for it. That doesn't mean it's bad. You have the right to do whatever you want here; as I said before, that's the good thing about Elftown. And generally I, and most sensible

2005-10-15 [Yiwerra]: Elftowners, agree with you totally - I just came to this point that I was shocked what the whole "being annoyed by cyberer's"-issue gave birth to, and created in people - which was nothing more than pure hatred, ignorant exclusion and hastily judging about people who just seemingly fit in their "category" of brainless idiots. But however, I really appreciate you for your comments about this. You said you realise that it might go too far, that that's always the risk (I know it is), that people might judge too quickly and so on. It showed that you're really not the person I would assume would be behind these pages. Sorry for being harsh on you too.

2005-10-15 [Yiwerra]: I suppose you receive a lot of anger from people about this, and have quite a hard time dealing with it.    ...And about the main page - we can easily just copypaste the comments there, if you wish. Wouldn't be a big deal! :)

2005-10-17 [~Saraneth~]: Thank you so much for understanding. I haven't been here in a while ^_^U. But in truth, I do sometimes do have a hard tiem dealing with it all, but i promise as the owner of this page i will be as fair as I can possibly be. Not to mention, I like your way of making your point. You as well have shown me that you are truly a better person than i may have thought at first. I really do like you! ^_^

2005-10-18 [Yiwerra]: aww thank you so much :D   maybe we should go on talking in private messages :P

2005-10-21 [Elisha Kelly]: I have a name for you [Sildainie] her mood is suggestive... and she has a wiki that simply says Let's cyber...

2005-10-21 [Yiwerra]: so because she mentiones that her current feeling is sexual stimulation, she is offending the spritit of elftown? *points at elftown guards, who aren't exactly different sometimes*

2005-10-21 [Elisha Kelly]: no... not offensive... sets a bad example... and yes the only item in her house is a link to a wiki that simply states lets cyber... why is she on ELFTOWN??? there are websites dedicated to cyber... why not join one of those instead... There is Fake... why not just be there... I am not a person who offends easily... but this is pretty much a Pg website... why should underage persons be exposed to sex? my daughter (she is five by the way) sees pretty much all that I see on Elftown, and it won't belong before she can read... what and when she does... what am I supposed to say when she asks... "mum what is cybering???", I shouldn't have to stop her from watching me on the computer,

2005-10-21 [Elisha Kelly]: That wasn't what I signed up for... I don't mind others on here who arn't artistically inclined if they are here to be with their friends and all that... that is fine... but when you out something in your mood like I am Horny.... are you not pretty much advertising yourself to the cybering community, it kinda lets others know what you want... Hell I don't really want to know if someone is horny... do you??? If I am horny I go and do something about it... I don't shout it from the rooftops to let my neighbours know... I think they would probably drop dead in shock if I did... what happened to ettiquette (is that how you speel it?), don't the apply online... this is a community...

2005-10-21 [Elisha Kelly]: and in the real world community you do not just walk up to peeps and say... I am horny wanna F@@@! You don't act out sex were minors can see and hear you... ( well most peeps don't anyway) it is just good manners to do your cybering and that at adult websites... that is what they are for. okay finished my little tirade... Don't worry if I repeated myself or didn't make much sense, I never seem to do so anyways... :P

2005-10-22 [Yiwerra]: Well, this is a community for artists AND hangarounds. And as you said, that's fine, if someone isn't art interested. But the thing is, how do you know she's not?? Just because of the way she presents herself? That's just like getting a picture of someone, and being convinced that person is like that. She could easily be here because she likes to see other people's art, even though she doesn't present any of it herself. Yes, that's most likely not the case, but in fact, you don't know. Noone knows. This community was not made for people to prove themselves as artists with deeper thoughts. However, what every one of us is annoyed by, which in my opinion features us with the real spirit of

2005-10-22 [Yiwerra]: Elftown, is to see the same things on all pages. Actually I find your page a bit boring too, with that "take elftown back" banner, that is EVERYWHERE - it's just as annoying as the cyber community here. Anyway, my point is altogether, that you (plural) are too prejudiced, and judge too fast about a person. As I wrote somewhere before, I for my part don't think I am wrong on Elftown, and yet, when I was new here, I did many things that could have caused the hastily conclusion in people of that I am lame, stupid, and why am I even here! Ok ok, I do understand that some people just join to meet people, and totally forget what this place stands for. But then again,

2005-10-22 [Yiwerra]: I joined for the same reasons... and then LATER I changed, quite a lot, because I was influenced. BUT, the thing is, that those people don't KNOW they are not "welcome" (at least not by... people like you). All they know is that this is supposed to be a place with cool people. Yes, there is Elfpack and Fake for those purposes, but you talk as if they were aware of that, and certainly not everyone is. Then Hedda should start seperating people, putting little banners on their houses that say WHO and HOW they are, or what grouping of people they belong to, so that right from the beginning you get the right idea of who they are. And then we can write them like "hey, for these kind of people,

2005-10-22 [Yiwerra]: there is THIS place now, so please leave. You are not welcome because you belong to a group of people we don't want".  Yea, reminds you of something doesn't it? Well it reminds ME of the third Reich a bit. Also, this is a general international thing that people try to avoid everywhere, because it's unfair, it's not nice, it's ignorant, it's putting someone in a category (like a race); and if you ever experienced it yourself, then your first idea is that just because you have BLACK HAIR, does that make you belong to a certain category of people? No. Why not? Because you are more than that. You also wear red dresses for example.    

2005-10-22 [Yiwerra]: Anyway, the spirit of Elftown has always been the freedom of individuality, at least in my opinion that's what it stands for and is also a reason for so many different and interesting people to get here - because they didn't have to feel like being pushed into something, being something they don't want to be.         - And about the sex thing: There is an Elftown for kids. ET doesn't have a language filter, and so of course it can happen you find words like "sex" and "fuck" anywhere. Also on pages of "important" people, as I heard someone say once. And why don't you explain your kid what cybersex is? I don't see the problem there.

2005-10-22 [Yiwerra]: And a last thing. There is no option to delete yourself from ET, and it's clearly stated that that's because it doesn't make a difference, and NO, it doesn't fill up the harddisk. So the argument about "people who only waste space" and "pointless people with no spirit" (whoohoo, what a statement! Best if the reason is because they don't spell properly or something like that) doesn't really make any sense in my opinion. Why can't we just let each other live??? And what is the big deal about someone asking you to cyber? Is it really SO HARD to just say "no" or to just block and ignore them??

2005-10-22 [Yiwerra]: Yes, we all want Elftown to be what it's supposed to be. But let's please reflect our actions before we judge, let's not be ignorant against people who might not deserve it, and let's just try not to break the only important rule, of not being assholes ourselves.                        (...btw sorry for misspellings and bad grammar. My english is not the best)

2005-10-22 [Elisha Kelly]: hmmmm I don't remeber saying that they should be booted from Elftown... hang let me check... nope I didn't... but she shouldn't be advertising the whole cybering thing... and being innapropriate... oh by the way you are very Intolerant of Intolerant people... isn't that kinda hypocrytical... if you are going to take that stance... you have to be tolerant of all people, even the ones you disagree with... it is a double edged sword... no offence bit it is like you are trying to make every agree with you, and I am afraid that will never happen. We have our opinions, our likes and dislikes... we can be boring if we want to :P (by the wy those badges are mainly there cause they is so pretty...

2005-10-22 [Elisha Kelly]: that and they advertise what I do on Elftown)... I am an artist... and I like to write... oh I thought u could delete yourself from elftown... What is that linky thing at the bottom of the house pages... I haven't been game enough to click it to find out if it does deleter me or not... on day maybe... anyways I am getting sidetracked... if you believe so strongly in the whole elftowners against other elftowners... make a wiki... isn't that what everyone does... ??? you said [if someone isn't art interested. But the thing is, how do you know she's not?? ] well wether or not she is interested in art is not the issue, innaproprite behaviour is... What I am saying is, cybering is for...

2005-10-22 [Yiwerra]: I am trying to "make every agree" with me?? Excuse me, I am only trying to make my point. I never forced anyone to believe in what I believe in, I am simply criticising this wiki's way of judging, and I have every right to, now haven't I? Anyone is free to agree or disagree with me! I don't see why this is supposed to make me intolerant, I only say what I think just like everyone else. I'm sorry if you are out of arguments and have to throw that in my face, but that is quite "inappropriate".

2005-10-22 [Elisha Kelly]: adult only websites, and this is not an adult only website... this website caters for 12 years and above. I don't think the subject of cybering is an appropriate topic for that age group...

2005-10-24 [Yiwerra]: I seem to have answered before you were even done :S  ..well anyway, yes. That's why it's called "cybering" and not "talking about sexual things that are done to another person on an online basis" - so that it doesn't offend children.

2005-10-24 [~Saraneth~]: Hello there. I love how my page gets used do much ^_^. *moves away* I believe both of you points are very well stated but when i got towards the bottow it seems to me that you both almost were starting to indirectly attack one another. I won't call it inappropriate because I myself find myself using elevated speech to attack others (and that would be hypocritical =b). I only ask that you two do not become enemies based on this discussion. And if that means not challenging each other then I would rather have it that way. *please don't throw stuff at me because this comment seems really kiss ass U_U) Carry on!

2005-10-24 [Elisha Kelly]: awww :* kiss and makes up... Group hugs... :P

2005-11-03 [Yiwerra]: Haha :P  Nah, everything is fine between us. And in my opinion, we were discussing, not attacking each other

2005-11-03 [Elisha Kelly]: verily... nothing like a heated debate to clear the steam vents! :P

2005-11-04 [~Saraneth~]: Oooo , sorry then. I agree that discussion was really refreshing.

2005-11-10 [Tanka]: Sara where do you post someone after they have said they wanted to cyber with you after you report them to the gaurds. His name is [fatih] so just put him where ever he's supossed to go please and thankyou

2005-11-11 [~Saraneth~]: Ok dokey ^_^ Will do!

2005-11-11 [Tanka]: thanks!

2005-11-11 [~Saraneth~]: He's under Major Offenders for actually getting caught asking to cyber ^^. Thank you so much, but I'm sorry you were the victim ~_~

2005-11-11 [Tanka]: hehe well they're dumb enough to not realize i'm already claimed then it just makes them easier to catch. Don't worry about it.

2005-12-07 [Tanka]: Hey Sara, guess what there are some really stupid people out there! Got another one I'm gonna report him too. [kurbagaprens] grrrrrrrrr what is it when humans?

2005-12-08 [~Saraneth~]: Ok what do you think? I'm going to make 2 1st offenders pages because there arrewayyy too many people listed here

2005-12-08 [Tanka]: sounds good to me

2005-12-10 [~Saraneth~]: Ok, that'll be next week's project for me on ET. ^_^

2005-12-12 [POG]: THANK GOD YOU PUT HORNY KATIE ON!!!! I was just browsing around, looked here and saw a name i recognised, a name that struck fear into my heart. PUT HORNY KATE INTO SECOND OFFENDORS. SHE CONTINUALLY HARRASED A POOR (NON CYBERING) INNOCENT 12 YEAR OLD NEW COMER (WHO MAY I ADD ONLY CAME HERE FOR THE ART ECT) REPEATEDLY USING SEXUAL REFERENCES! PLEASE GET RID OF HER!!! I NEVER DID ANYTHING TO DESERVE HER SRRASMENT! Thus person is SICK AND TWISTED!!!! she wrote to my friend, who may i add is the same age as me, that she made her (hornykaties) nipples go hard! PLEASE EXPLOIT HER!!!!!

2006-01-25 [Kiddalee]: Well... why don't you get that 12 year old friend to report her to the guards with the message number (they'll need that proof)?

2006-01-27 [~Saraneth~]: Good Point, I forgot about that ^^U . . . .

2006-03-17 [Kiddalee]: Hmm... I was thinking of sorting the First Offenders N-Z page, but then I thought, "What if the names are unsorted for a reason?" Are the unsorted folks there potentially going to be moved to Loafers or something?

2006-03-24 [~Saraneth~]: No, *sorry I've been gone so long that I've not answered your question* Nope I just didn't get around to it really. I suppose that's the laziness in me. I'll get to it soon but if you'd like to help you may ^__^

2007-03-30 [Ultiem]: This is a question regarding [bubblesxerotica] I'd like to know your reasoning for blacklisting her?

Are you black listing her because she has erotica in her name? Because I don't think you know her worth a damn to even judge her like that.

2007-04-05 [Elisha Kelly]: no idea, but the pages are freely editable so someone has added her, the reason I know not, [saraneth] monitering this page, but she hasn't been around in 89 days, so you can't ask her I guess. It has been a whiile since this place was updated.

2007-04-06 [Ultiem]: The reason why I want to know is because you people seem to assume because of a name. It for starters isnt right and it shows just how much garbage is in your minds rather than others. Assuming someone is nasty or discusting because her name has erotica in it doesnt mean she is that way...I know for a fact she isnt that way

2007-04-06 [Elisha Kelly]: o.O yet you yourself seem to be judging me because I am watching this page, by refering to us all as the same. I didn't add your friend, I don't know who did, if you have a problem take it up with the wiki's owner. The only name I have added to this list deserved it, as they had a pornographic simpsons image, portraying incest up in their house.

2008-02-09 [Surimia]: Bit of help: a wiki which seems to only be updated by me, but contains people with gross usernames and bios and the like.
Pervert names

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